Welcome to Idaho Hill Elementary School 

Our school strives to be an engaging school where all students are able to achieve mastery of the essential standards which includes collaboration and application of fundamental skills in a real world setting with a focus on STEaM.

Idaho Hill Elementary Info:

Our office hours will be Monday thru Thursday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 

Warning Bell - 7:45 Tardy Bell - 7:50
End of Day: Buses & Walkers - 3:05 Car pick up - 3:07

THANK YOU to the families who have donated to the Glow Party fund. Your contribution and generosity is greatly appreciated! I'm thankful for our PTO and the Idaho Hill community for their ongoing support of our school and students!

A big SHOUT OUT to Powell Enterprise LLC; they, too, provided a donation for our students! We appreciate you!

THANK YOU to generous donors, all students will receive one free Popcorn on popcorn days for the rest of this school year!


Please bring snow clothes each day to school and shoes to change into after recess. Thank you


Feb. 6     Student of the Month Assembly @ 2:15 p.m.

Feb. 10   PTO mtg @ 3:30 p.m. MOVED TO 2/11 @ 3:30
Feb. 17   Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 21   School in Session - Friday
Feb. 24   Afterschool Art - student pick up at 4:20 p.m.

popPopcorn days - Thursday, February 6 & 20


Please visit our district website for any updates.

If you have an emergency email Ms. Glazier at lorettaglazier@sd83.org, or call the Office 208-437-4227.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Please notify the office of any transportation changes for your student. For bus information, please call the Bus Barn at 208-448-2451 and leave a message if no one answers. They will return your call. 

Food Service
Please contact Terri Johnson, Food Service Director, with questions about our meal program at 208-448-4439 ext. 5.

We will be using our Raptor security system. Please have your ID available to be scanned at the office. We only need to do scan your ID once this year.



Success for all with the
Understanding that
Community, parents, students, and educators will
Collaborate and
Empower the
Student to make positive lifelong choices.
Strive for greatness!

Families within WBCSD with children under 5 yrs.

Dolly Pardon's Imagination Library
Sponsored by PRCF Literacy Team
Pick up application at Blanchard Library, PR Library or Idaho Hill Elementary 

Idaho Hill Elementary will be continuing educational packets until April 17th.  Wednesday, April 8th, from 8:00 a.m. to noon, parents are asked to return completed student packets and pick up new packets.  Drive by stations will be set up in the bus loading lane for your safety.  See you on Wednesday

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